His color palette leaves no one indifferent and causes admiration in the viewer for its great technical base and its doses of vitality and strength.

His work belongs, by tradition, into the informalist side of painting and more specifically in the Catalan school.


by Josep M. Vallès, Major of Sant Cugat del Vallès


When we contemplate the Xandri Pine, we see not only a monumental tree that has stood the test of time, but also a symbol of history, memory and collective struggle. With its 250 years of life, the Pi d’en Xandri is a witness to the resilience of a people who love their environment and defend their natural heritage. Now, thanks to the sensitive and vibrant gaze of Carles Azcón, we can discover the secret colours that this iconic tree hides and gives to those who know how to observe it carefully.

I met Carles more than a year ago, and from the first moment I was captivated by his commitment to art and nature. As an art teacher in Sant Cugat, he transmits to young people the importance of creativity and ecological awareness, values that he then transfers to his work with extraordinary force. With his free stroke and expressive use of colour, he transports us to a universe in which beauty and environmental awareness go hand in hand. His ability to transform the canvas into a space for reflection reminds us that art, as well as moving us, has the power to awaken us.

The proposal by the Sala Rusiñol and this artist from Sant Cugat to plant a tree for each painting sold from his exhibition ‘The big green’ is a gesture charged with symbolism and responsibility. It is the perfect example of how art can be a driving force for change and how every action, however small it may seem, adds up to the protection of our planet.

This new exhibition is a tribute to Pi d’en Xandri, as well as an opportunity to look at our environment with new eyes.May these works help us rediscover the beauty that surrounds us and understand that it is in our hands to preserve it for future generations.



Son of Catalan parents, he was born in Canberra, Australia, in 1982. The fact of traveling and seeing completely different places from a very young age deeply marked his vision of the world and the influence of his artistic thinking.

At 9 months old he traveled to Europe, specifically to Granollers and Barcelona, ​​where he lived until he was 9 years old. In 1991 he and his family moved to Brussels, Belgium, for five years. He attended primary education at the European School in Brussels, and that is where he began to have an interest in art and especially in painting.

On his trips to the outskirts of Brussels and neighboring countries, he is influenced by their landscapes and museums. During these years he attended drawing and painting classes observing nature.

At the age of 14 he returned to Catalonia. He receives art classes for 4 years at the Jordi Aligué Art Studio. In 1999 he completed the Artistic Baccalaureate at the IES Celestí Bellera, in Granollers. He began his first year studying Art History, but continued pursuing a higher degree at the Massana School in Barcelona (where he would obtain a degree in Higher Technician in Arts Applied to Walls), perfecting his painting technique and directing his personal interests towards paint.

In 2006 he returned to the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona, ​​studying the painting itinerary. At the same time, for two years (2006–2008) he entered the Off Massana project, a project that links the Massana School and the Pueblo Español of Barcelona.

In 2010 he graduated in Fine Arts from the UB. In 2011 he obtained the master’s degree in artistic creation: “realisms and environments” which allowed him to mature the work he had previously done and present as a project: “Painting as photosynthesis”, a poetic analogy between the biological process and his creative process.

His work reflects his great artistic potential by creating symbiosis between the world and painting.

Consistent with the lineage of his teachers (Joaquim Chancho, Gerard Sala, Albert Gonzalo, Jordi Aligué and Lluís Capçada), his work belongs, by tradition, into the informalist side of painting and more specifically in the Catalan school. His color palette leaves no one indifferent and causes admiration in the viewer for its great technical base and its doses of vitality and strength.

He has held exhibitions in art galleries in Catalonia and internationally. In addition, it has been selected in art competitions and has won different awards and mentions at the national level. His work is part of private collections and contemporary collectors in Europe and the United States.