Fco Navarro creates atmospheres of poetic serenity in his works
His elegant approach to seascapes, integrated into well-conceived compositions, is an essential facet of his work.
When he was 17 years old he began to study art with the painter J. Gallego Marquina. Later, at 23 years old, he entered the Cercle Artístic Sant Lluc for four years. From 1984 to 1987 he attended classes by Gonzalo Beltrán, painter and Professor at the Escola de Belles Arts i Oficis de Barcelona (Llotja).
He has collected several works in private collections in Spain, France, Germany, England and United States.
Among the prizes worth highlighting: Medal and Mention of Honor from the International Academy “Greci-Marino” of Italy, the Medal of Honor at the XV Galeries Esart International Salon (Barcelona), the First Prize “Best work presented” Exhibition “Transparències” to the Lux d’Art Artistic Association to the Pere Pruna Civic Center (Barcelona), the Medal of Artistic Mèrit X Joan Bosch Boldú Fine Arts Prize, Expo. Winter Show 2015 BCN ART GALLERY (Barcelona).