OLOT, 1921-GIRONA, 1995Àngel Codinach

It uses a wide chromatic range of brilliant tones, harmonized in sensitive nuances that it covers by overlaying the pigment.
Ángel Codinach is a landscaper who is characterized by the ease of fingering, the fluidity of the empasts and the clear understanding and original approach of the subject.
ÁNGEL CODINACH’s vocation for painting was manifested as early as his childhood. His artistic beginnings, always difficult, were supported by the adjustment of his father, a great lover of sculpture and amateur carver, who, unfortunately, would die very soon. This fact, which occurred when Codinach was only thirteen years old, would decisively condition his future personal and artistic career.
For four years he was formed; at the School of Fine Arts of Olot, where he studied drawing and painting under the direction of the artists Melchor Domenge, Martí Casadevall, Pere Gussinyé and sculptor Abel Ferrarons among others.
At the beginning of the fifties he was part of the Crater of Art group and the Group of Painters of Olot, promoted and directed by Josep Mir and Mas de Xexàs, with Dr. Candi Agustí, etc. It was a nucleus composed of thirty long artists of very diverse tendencies, who aspired to a renewal of the traditional orientation of Olotí art. They did not deny the glorious artistic past of the capital of La Garrotxa, but they understood it as a lesson already assumed.
The group included several painters, among whom, in addition to Codinach, were Rafael Griera, Joan Clapera and Maya, the now defunct Frederic Comelles, Josep Mª Vayreda Canadell, Danés Jordi, etc. They enabled as a local permanet a part of the bar La casa del del Moro and exhibited regularly by the Principality. In Barcelona they did it concretely in 1954 and 1956.
The 1954 was also the one of individual presentation of Angel Codinach, that took place in the Room Armengol, of its native city.
Later he was a member of the Painters of Olot group, with Griera, Bataller, Senderos, Gómez and others, exhibiting with them in several towns of the Catalan regions, in Barcelona, in Valencia, and in Bilbao, at the beginning of the sixties.
On trips sponsored by the Mundi Art Gallery, in Barcelona, he visited several cities in Castilla y León between 1971 and 1972. A hard-working man who does not conceive that competitive art is involved in art, he has not wanted, at any time during his career , participate in concorses. He has recently been awarded the Silver Medal of the City Council of Prat de Llobregat.
As remarked by Lina Fuente, Ángel Codinach is a landscape artist who, inserted in the conceptual currents of post-impressionism, is characterized by the ease of fingering, the fluidity of the fillings and the clear understanding and original approach of the subject. Because of its expressive language, it uses a wide chromatic range of brilliant tones, harmonized in sensitive nuances that it covers by overlaying the pigment.
Known and recognized his worth within the pictorial circle, begins to be relaunched by enthusiastic people of his work, that with an almost absolute dedication, get col.locarlo almost everyone. Currently in a discreet, but continued, the work of our friend Angel Codinach, it is possible to enjoy it to thirty five different countries and therefore to places so distant and of great cultural differences, way to be able to say, with complete certainty, that Angel Codinach He is a painter of world renown, that is the time and not us will undoubtedly give us the reason.