BARCELONA, 1924-1996 Arribas

Painting with deep lyric sense where with each touch of color leaves reflected realities fruit of his art and craft.
The preferred themes of his painting are ports, landscapes and urban corners.
At the age of thirty he became professional in painting: before, as a child, he had been drawing with success, which allowed him, later, to dedicate himself to caricature, comics and drawing, achieving results that were more than worthy. Self-taught, his initial training is of a museum nature.
Admirer of the work of Gutiérrez Solana and more especially of that of the painters of the Catalan School – Mira, Nonell, Anglada Camarasa, Gimeno … – turns them into points of view, of study. Also Sanvisens’ painting will deserve, later, his attention. It is not strange that the sense of color is what adds the feeling to a work well structured by the drawing.
A rich palette is the one that fulfills an impressionist root language of personalized version. Painting with deep lyrical sense where with each touch of color leaves reflected, to his paintings, realities fruit of his art and craft. The preferred themes of his painting are ports, landscapes and urban corners. He received numerous and important prizes among which include the Gold Medal and the Silver Masriera of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Sant Jordi.