MOTRIL, 1950 Pineda Bueno

Build the figure and the landscape according to the movement of the air.
Self-taught artist, he was a disciple for years of the painter Pedro Arribas. His work transmits to us the vitality of existing.
In 1957 he moved with his family to Barcelona, where he lived until 1986. Later he moved with his wife and children in the Ametlla de Mar, Tarragona, until 2001, the year he returned to Motril where he currently resides. In Barcelona, in 1967, he worked in an advertising studio, combining his artistic works with the world of comics and publishing. It will be in 1979 when he made his first exhibition and, from that date, he dedicates himself fully to painting. Self-taught artist, he was a disciple for years of the painter Pedro Arribas. His work transmits the vitality of existence. Build the figure and the landscape according to the movement of the air. Their women, located in the middle of fields where the trees bloom or at the edge of a sea, where the blue-green of the water has a long border of small white waves, communicate the joy of the dance that comes from within people and that is as natural a fact as the heartbeat. He is now in the expressive fullness of his pictorial art: color and technique, observation and ability to synthesize and sense of rhythm are coordinated in a natural way and contribute to perpetuate the magical moment of the spontaneity of a gesture or a light.