BARCELONA, 1928-2013 Clota Gras

Master in water catchments, choose wetlands and transparent lagoons after the storm to color rainy days, the passage of water or its immobility, the constant presence of the tree, the twilight hours.
If we walk through the interior of his paintings we will receive a peaceful and calm sensation. Upon entering, we will perceive a twinge of noble melancholy.
Albert Clota Gras was born in Barcelona in 1928. Between 42 and 47 he studied drawing and painting at the School of Arts and Crafts in Barcelona, under the tutorship of Professor Manzanilla. He also attended the workshop of M. Margaix, professor of modeling and emptying. For a few years, and to complete his training, he attends the private classes of V. Navarro and R. de Capmany.
In 1946 he began his professional activity in the field of decorative painting, specializing in mural procedures on silver sheets and oil techniques. That same year, he took part, for the first time, in the V Exhibition of Artists Gracienses of Barcelona, an event where he will participate many times.
From the fifties begins a long period of travel and personal exhibitions that alternates, from time to time, with some collective contests.
His great mastery in drawing makes his line predominant over color, but that does not prevent him from resorting to different chromatic possibilities, in search of shadows, chiaroscuro and environmental shades.
Clota, teacher in the water catchments, chooses the humid wetlands and the transparent lagoons after the storm to color rainy days, the passage of water or its immobility, the constant presence of the tree, the twilight hours. ..
If we walk through the interior of his paintings we will receive a peaceful and calm sensation. Upon entering, we will perceive a twinge of noble melancholy.
The work of Albert Clota, apart from being represented in public collections and private entities, also figures in numerous collections of the peninsula (Barcelona, Madrid, Oviedo, Gijón, Vitoria …) and some foreign cities like Rome, Milan, London, Tokyo and Miami.
Available works