BARCELONA, 1949-GIRONA, 2019 Pujolboira

Its color is an affirmative song of life that is born in every moment.
Pujolboira, an artist in whom color grows trying to connect with the purity that one day light, extracted from chaos to bring order, became the seed of everything that would be created.
by Josep M. Cadena
In the same way that in every literary narrative there are some key words that define the author’s thought, also in the works of true painters, those who have done the job of expressing what they feel, there are colors, gestural actions, and even figurative representations that sprout from the background of their respective personalities.
This is the case of Pujolboira, an artist in whom color grows trying to connect with the purity that one day light, extracted from chaos to bring order, became the seed of everything that would be created.
For this reason, its color is an affirmative song of life that is born in every moment and that in constant transformation never loses the sense of praise to the one who is promoting it. However, from Barcelona as it was, lives in Albons, before the wetlands in that the salinity of the sea baptizes the green of the meadows of white.
The nature, the broad-leaved plants placed in a vase, the chair to sit on, the table with fruits, the vase and the fabrics next to the easel in which he expresses his dreams of going free in the world. Because Pujolboira interprets from his studio the open spaces that he initially represented with bicycles – even as soon as some – always ready to depart for an infinity that he now wants to include with model boats and with windows open to the environment he has chosen, an environment that often represents the woman who observes and keeps silent, since it is like the well planted of sanity.
The day to day established by society is for Pujolboira as the solid wooden table in which normal and unusual things rest, in the same way as all kinds of ideas in the human brain do.
A well organized table, but to which the birds come and go to pierce with the beak their legs. And again it is the woman-mandolin music-that establishes how things should be so that everything works.
In the painting of Pujolboira I find, enigmatically explained, much of what we all want to achieve, be sensible and free at the same time.