BARCELONA, 1947 Oscar Borrás

Everything is positive in his work, from the flight of the birds to the children who run, ride bicycles or breathe the perfumes of trees and flowering plants.
It does not want to take us towards bucolic visions of Mythology, nor does it place us in the position that exalts the virtues of the primitive human being, but rather idealizes the present of our landscapes.
When he was three years old, his family moved to live first in Argentina and then in Uruguay. In 1960 they will return to Spain and set their residence in Valencia, where Oscar Borrás will study technical engineering. No wonder that confess that, remembering a happy childhood in which he enjoyed both family and nature, his painting has found, in the latter, its almost exclusive theme: flora, fauna and the world that inhabits it and that poetically civilized. Constants who star in a suggestive and suggestive world, ingenuists who are intelligent and, since 1969, the date on which he made his first exhibition, characterize his work. In these more than forty years of dedication to the art world he has made numerous exhibitions in the main cities of our country and abroad. His work has been awarded several times with prizes and distinctions such as First Prize and Medal of the Commercial Athenaeum of Valencia, Medal of Artistic Merit of Information and Tourism, Medals I-II Armed Forces Exhibition in Valencia … We also find his work referenced in publications such as Great Encyclopedia of the Valencian Region, Spanish art, naive contemporary Spaniards …
by Josep M. Cadena
Anyone who knows the Oscar Borrás pictures and finds himself on a summer night, when he was about to dine in the open air, in an environment that was supposed to be quite pleasant, the weather suddenly changes, and the cold and rain invade the terrace where you are, appreciate then, more than ever, the graces of those paintings in which everything is pleasant and harmonious. Because the artist, who already has a very long and successful career, manages to establish always positive situations, in which the joy of living is not only in the people who appear in them, but in a fully satisfactory sets for everyone who he contemplates them.
Oscar Borrás, born in Barcelona in 1947, is Valencian of feelings and residence. He exhibited from a very young age and his work, fully naïve, reaches a very wide audience due to its coloristic values and the happy imagination it shows when composing its scenes. They describe places that imagine as paradisiacal from a reality that everyone, in principle, we can access, but few of us know how to interpret in all its potential of hedonistic satisfactions.
For me -I wrote it in the month of November 2009, on the occasion of an exhibition of his in this same room Rusiñol that now offers us his last pictures- if every place on Earth were the most perfect reproduction of Paradise, Oscar Borrás would be his most accurate and current pictorial chronicler. Because it does not want to take us towards bucolic visions of Mythology, nor does it situate itself in the position that exalts the virtues of the primitive human being, but it idealizes the present of our landscapes, from the gardens to the big hotels. In this way our glances, when they move by the details that describe their oils, coincide with realities transformed into concepts that leave aside any defect of reality.
The painter imagines and makes us imagine those who follow and even admire his ability as a pictorial fabler. Creates a world and makes it have great communicative strength. And what is more interesting for me: he makes his plastic representations predispose us to always wish for better worlds in which one day we could live with joy and in full peace.
by Josep M. Cadena
If every place on Earth were the most perfect possible reproduction of Paradise and the legendary Atlantis, it would not be lost at the bottom of an ocean, but would have been spread throughout the habitable world, perhaps now the fields and beaches, the cities and the people, would be as they are represented in the paintings of Oscar Borrás. Because we have to bear in mind that, located in utopia, a possible but also highly improbable perfect society, one that should live contentedly and at peace with what its members did, should not necessarily be primitive nor should it have its maximum archetype in the wild man.
On the contrary: it could have reached such a remarkable and advanced development in the inventions and in the ways of life that combined without any type of problem aspects as diverse as these: a jungle turned into a garden, with waterfalls, fountains and lakes of design; Children riding dolphins; and adults who dress perfectly, dance or eat seafood paellas on the terraces of good hotels located near the sea on full moon nights. Or that they carried out many other activities, simple and complicated time, daughters of the will to be materially happy without stopping thinking about a better tomorrow.
An impossible happiness, since we carry in all of us the gene of original sin and we know that Pandora’s box was opened; but, in spite of everything, an aspiration of individual and social fulfillment that we never want to renounce because in our roots as human beings lives the small seed of hope.
Òscar Borràs, a classic of Spanish naïve painting for its numerous individual exhibitions since 1969, the museums in which it is represented, the prizes and distinctions it has obtained, the bibliography on it and the collecting collectors that follow it enthusiastically, we are happy with the smile of his work. Everything is positive in him, from the flight of the birds to the boys who run, ride a bike or breathe the perfumes of trees and blooming plants. We know that it is not true, but that it could be true; which is a dream that does not produce any kind of concern and to which we can return whenever we want.