The Rusiñol Gallery, full of art lovers, welcomes the painter Juan Tenorio one more time. Although he frequently visits us and attends the inaugurations of some of his artist friends, he hadn’t inaugurated personally from four years ago…
When one enters the Rusiñol Gallery, one doesn’t need to ask who is exhibiting: obviously it is Mr. Tenorio! We see there some spectacular urban landscapes, of cities perfectly recognizable, with a great strength of color and completed with the source of the collage technique. The author goes beyond realism by using this technique. In his paintings we find feelings, emotions…
“Urban sentimental chronicle” is the title of this exhibition. The painter explains the reason: «I do not look for the technique —like perspective, color…, I have tested all of these—. I try to put emotion, feelings, to awaken emotions through memories and experiences. On the whole, this paintwork of mine is an “imaginary”.
“Urban sentimental chronicle” is the title of this exhibition. The painter explains the reason: «I do not look for the technique —like perspective, color…, I have tested all of these—. I try to put emotion, feelings, to awaken emotions through memories and experiences. On the whole, this paintwork of mine is an “imaginary”.

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