“El Pele” —as colleagues and friends know Pelegero Agustí— brings us from Xàtiva this exhibition entitled “Lived landscapes”. So, his works are what they are: lived landscapes, where water is the main protagonist.
Pelegero is a painter of landscapes of intense beauty. Great connoisseur of nature, he always paints his works in situ(in the place), “life drawing”. As he has explained to us, these are lived landscapes «right there, in their place. Landscapes that you have to live and suffer…».
And Mr. Josep M. Cadena adds: «Landscapes that must be synthesized».
«Vicente Pelegero Agustí is a painter of landscapes of intense modernist beauty. The artist, lucid and coherent in the conception of the ideas that move him, captures the basic lines of a Nature that, in his canvases, exhibits its primitive strength. Water, which gives life to the Valencian vegetable garden, is an indisputable protagonist in the paintings» (From the Josep M. Cadena’s writings).
The art critic—Josep M. Cadena— adds his personal much more anthropological point of view: «This painting seeks the essentiality of the landscape, and it finds the essentiality of people. We see there the desire to live. This is a participative painting! We find there a feeling: the painter interprets himself and interprets us».

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