After our summer break, Ignasi Cabanes welcomes the attendees. The new season 2019-2020 starts with the painter MEJAN. He has brought a careful selection of his most recent works. We see on it a colour quality evolution, while holding his personal style.
Mr. Josep M. Cadena, the art critic: Art let us to understand that, despite of all things that happen to us, there is a permanent background. But this permanent reality suffers also evolution. Mejan shows in his work this “permanence in evolution”.
More comments from Mr. Cadena: Painter Mejan is able to find the sensibility, the sense of society, of perfection that goes beyond. After several years of painting, in his sweet period of time, Mejan knows to express the nature as will of growing, as a will of perfection.
It’s time for the painter. He has thanked the attendees and he has also devoted some words to the Gallery and Mr. Cadena. He told us that this is his fifth individual exhibition at the Rusiñol Gallery.
Finally, some questions from the attendees. About if Mejan’s paintings are natural painted works, the artist has explained that, at the beginning, he worked in front of the natural landscapes of the Emporda (region). But now he has achieved an interiorized memory that allows him to work in alternative procedures.

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