We have had the pleasure of receiving once more at the Rusiñol Gallery the artist Ramón Aguilar Moré. It was for the inauguration of our “Exposición de Navidad” (“Christmas Exhibition”), always with that special flavor so adequate for these holidays. He is Beenpainting for 60 years, which means many years of unremitting work that have granted this artist a name, a reputation and a consecrated style in the figurative art, (the «poetic saying», according to Francesc Galí).
Aguilar Moré has already exhibited at the Rusiñol Gallery half a dozen times. But we are not yet used to him: many of us were looking forward to meeting him again. Ignasi Cabanas welcomes him and, after emphasizing his professional experience, he informs us that the artist has just celebrated his 85 anniversary. Because of that the Rusiñol Gallery director was able to wheedle out from Ramón a very interesting dialogue about his beginnings and the far-away origins of his work…
Josep Mª Cadena knows the painter since long. This contributed to confer the inauguration a very suggestive and friendly atmosphere: they are two “old friends “. Aguilar Moré started his career by painting the ballet dancers of the Liceo of Barcelona. In the grey atmosphere of the Barcelona of the 45 -just after the World War II was over- those Russian ballets afforded some joy, just like the jazz music, this artist’s great passion. «I discovered him in an illustration of the newspaper “Correo Catalán”»…
«I may look like a sailor but I’m not one ». This was how the artist chose to introduce himself! But Ignasi Cabanas insisted on his speaking about his beginnings: «I began when I was a child: I spent all day painting (…). Although, at the start I was a writer: I wrote novels with my own drawings. But, each new one had more drawings and less text. At the end I turned out making comics. When I was 6 or 7 years old I started to win the Sant Jordi Prize in my school, the Blanquerna. Other painters and, mostly, writers, came out from there, too».
A moment everybody is looking forward to in our inaugurations: the raffle among the assistance of the artist’s art note. But, alas! Things that happen at the Rusiñol Gallery!: the lucky one was another painter, Jordi Alayo, who came all the way from Castellón to attend the inauguration and whom we can see in the picture collecting the prize.
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