
“The next”: Torrecilla (2.VII – 21. VII.2010)

torrecillaNext friday July 2nd (at 19:30 h.), Miquel Torrecilla will inaugurate his exhibition under the title “Visiones de naturaleza” (Visions of Nature). In Torrecilla’s work, as applied to natural landscapes of lavish horizons, we find messages -actually, lessons- about our feelings and attitudes before our own existence…

The artist will join us and the reporter Josep Mª Cadena will take care of the critical commentary of Torrecilla’s work. You can already see this exhibition in our web.

We wish to remind you that this one will be the last inauguration before commencing next September the 2010-2011 Season, during which, we shall commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Rusiñol Gallery.

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