
Inauguration of Suñol (October 4th 2013)

For   the   second   time,   Tomàs   Suñol presents   an   individual exhibition at the Rusiñol Gallery. “Travels” shows us his latest works. In them are added new themes. Lights and color bring a personal vision of urban streets.

Ignasi Cabanas, the director of the Rusiñol Gallery, welcomes theattendees. “I thought that, because of this bad weather, veryfew people would gather. But, despite the rain, this audience islarge and this fact delights us very much. Today we  areintroducing a new, unedited and forceful work, which will notleave anyone indifferent! I hope you will enjoy it!”.
Then, he gives the floor to the art critic, José Mª Cadena. “Todaywe celebrate the world day of the smile, which is a very nicething to do because under the present life of hardship, weshould better smile. To smile is a mental situation whereby aperson feels at ease in front of the circumstances, and this iswhat happens with Suñol’s paintings”.
And he goes on by saying, before the watchful eye of both thegallerist and the artist: “This painting is the smile before thecircumstances to be found in a city, where the Sun gets its wayas a spear would, through narrow and austere side streets”.And adds “we must be grateful to the Rusiñol Gallery for beinga gallery that lets its painters evolve, that helps them, as itallows them to do as they please and that does not reactagainst what the public may commercially request. On thecontrary, it respects the artist’s evolution so that he can growwith every exhibition”.

Finally it was up to Tomás Suñol to thank Rusiñol Gallery for thisnew opportunity. He also addressed the audience which askedvarious questions: “Was it difficult for you to reach this secondphase? Was it premeditated? Why is the access to the streetsso narrow?”. To which he replied: “I happened to be there. Imoved my studio, to have more light, and this change broughtme here. With regard to the narrow entrance, it is a just amatter of setting; it bothers my composition to paint largeentrances”.


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