“When you stop” is a title that reflects the mentality of Jordi Isern: «I try to transmit peace, tranquility in the middle of a period of time that elapses very quickly. With my work I wish to invite you to stop and think, and to live the passion for nature, which is our mother and to we have to respect».
Ignasi Cabanas presents who is already well known in this hose. It is the 4th exhibition of Isern at the Rusiñol Gallery. Ignasi remarks that this painting never goes out of fashion. It is a known work of a recognized artist not only in our country, but beyond of our borders. Right now, Jordi Isern is totally devoted to Japan. Si it is a great honor for us that he has stopped for a few weeks in Sant Cugat del Vallès.
«As we can see in his paintings, the author is faithful to the places he knows and loves, from which he is able to extract aesthetic emotions that travel around the world» (Mr. Josep M. Cadena).
«Here is the great description of Josep M. Cadena: «A spring explosion after autumn rains and winter snows, poppies that splash with red color the fields of wheat waiting for harvest, shrubs that from the top of the precipices contemplate the sea at their feet, villages and farmhouses that coexist with the mountains, forests and meadows that surround them…». This is Jordi Isern’s painting!
Jordi Isern has some words of thanks for the Rusiñol Gallery and its managers, of which he highlights their rigorous fidelity to the line of figurative painting. The author himself advances to answer a question that he knows the people will ask him: —How long do you take to make a painting? —«I usually answer: 27 years… If right now I can complete a painting with more or less time —it depends on the painting, the day, the moment— it is because there have been 27 years of work before».

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